Homicide by Vehicle While Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious charge in Pennsylvania. The offense carries with it significant legal consequences. Making sure that you have an experienced Pennsylvania DUI attorney by your side is of utmost importance. You don’t want to face the risk of a mandatory minimum sentence alone. Pennsylvania law […]
What Are PA’s Penalties for Homicide By Vehicle While DUI?
The penalties for a Homicide By Vehicle While DUI conviction in Pennsylvania vary according to the grading of statutory acts and intent. While first-degree Homicide By VehicleDUI felonies carry up to 20 years in prison, second-degree felonies carry up to ten. Either grading could incur a maximum of $25,000 in fines. In this article, our […]
What Is the Minimum Sentence For Homicide By Vehicle in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania recognizes no minimum sentence for Homicide By Vehicle convictions. However, laws currently designate maximum sentences of up to seven years. Judges may also impose up to five additional years if the homicide occurred within an active work zone or during specific motor vehicle violations. You could face up to a total of twelve years […]
Does PA Allow You to Claim Self-Defense When Charged with Homicide?
Yes, PA allows you to claim self-defense when charged with homicide. However, it only works if your actions were reasonable for the given circumstances. The law states that you can apply this defense if you believed the deadly force that cause the homicide was necessary to protect against death, serious bodily injury, kidnapping, or rape. […]
Is Manslaughter a Felony in Pennsylvania?
Manslaughter could be a felony in Pennsylvania if specific facts are present and proven in a criminal court beyond a reasonable doubt. The Commonwealth charges manslaughter as either a misdemeanor or felony. It would be a misdemeanor if negligence was the cause, whereas you face a felony if it involved a crime of intense passion […]