Whether the word is felony or misdemeanor, hearing the term in connection with a situation you might be facing can be panic-inducing. You listen to actors on TV shows throw the terms around sometimes interchangeably. But, there’s much more to facing either of those criminal charges than simple definitions. New Jersey’s criminal justice system works […]
Defense Strategies in New Jersey Unlawful Weapon Possession Cases
Unlawful possession of a weapon in New Jersey, including firearms, knives, and other prohibited items, can put your freedom at risk. That is, prison is on the table if you’ve been charged with this crime. Given the serious potential consequences, you have to have an experienced defense team that can use the effective strategies we […]
Understanding the Consequences of an Unlawful Weapons Possession Charge in NJ
Criminal defense lawyer Brad Shuttleworth of Shuttleworth Law P.C. presents the second article in a four-part series on dealing with gun charges in New Jersey. The consequences of an unlawful weapons possession charge in New Jersey extend far beyond the courtroom. These charges are felonies and can cause serious problems in your life. Therefore, getting […]
Facing Gun Charges in New Jersey
Criminal defense attorney Brad Shuttleworth of Shuttleworth Law P.C. presents the first article in a four-part series on dealing with gun charges in New Jersey. Brad is an experienced gun defense lawyer and has represented many defendants who have needed a lawyer for gun charges in New Jersey. Understanding the Elements of a Weapons Charge […]
What is Check Washing in PA?
Check washing is a type of check fraud where someone alters handwritten checks to steal funds from the checking account owner. They steal the check, often from an outside postal box, and the thief “washes” it by by using common household chemicals to remove the ink. Once they remove the ink, the scammer can rewrite […]