Destruction of evidence is never a laughing matter – especially where the evidence is videotapes of harsh interrogation tactics employed by government officials.
The latest hype in the CIA’s destruction of videos depicting interrogation of alleged al-Qaeda suspects at Camp Delta includes U.S. District Court Judge Richard W. Roberts ordering the Bush Administration to provide a written report regarding the preservation and destruction of evidence since a 2005 order to preserve the interrogation videos. Way to go Judge Roberts. The report is due by February 14, 2008.
The CIA is also no stranger to Court Order violations.
Some view the destruction of the videotapes as nothing less than an act of defiance, while the government is trying to explain away. The Justice Department and Congress have launched investigations into the matter, and the then head of the CIA’s clandestine service, Jose A. Rodriguez, Jr., is under scrutiny for the tapes’ destruction. Read more on the Congressional hearings in this NY Times Article from January 17th.
I’d like to hear more about the particular cases that the tapes’ destruction affects, for example, about the cases against the two al-Qaeda suspects in the video. If anyone has any websites with more information about them, or their cases, please post a comment for us.
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