Our Philadelphia simple assault lawyers achieve results on behalf of clients facing violent criminal charges in Pennsylvania. For over 20 years, Shuttleworth Law P.C. has demonstrably secured victories, including case dismissals, reduced charges, and criminal jury trial acquittals, for the wrongfully accused. We will also take the time to learn about your or your loved one’s situation during a fact-based intake and case evaluation at no cost or obligation.
However, the justice system’s time clock is ticking during the pre-trial phase of any case. You can bring back control of the case by getting legal advice from experienced criminal defense lawyers in PA. Otherwise, you could unintentionally leave viable defense options on the table that harm your chances of getting the outcome you want.
Brad was the ONLY one who facilitated a face to face meeting online over Google Meet. I knew after speaking with him that I wanted him to represent me in this matter. He just seemed very thorough and knowledgeable. A couple of the other attorneys I spoke to had poor responsiveness which is alarming when that happens BEFORE you pay to retain their services. I'm not in the same state as he is but that did not matter.Brad was able to work with the other party and get this issue resolved fairly and quickly.
Thank You!
You can't go wrong with Atty. Shuttleworth.
He's a true professional!
Brad's performance in the trial was swift, calculated, and methodical. In what seemed like just a few minutes, Brad picked apart the claimants case against me, and the judge swiftly ruled in my favor. A year of anxiety gone! Brad is well worth the money spent and I recommend him without reservation.
If you need help Brad is the person to connect with.
He has truly impressed us and he is our go to person If we’re ever in need of his legal assistance again
Get My Free Case Evaluation with Shuttleworth Law P.C. Now
Are you ready to speak with our Philadelphia simple assault lawyers about your or a loved one’s charges?
Get started on your defense now by calling 888-529-3486 for your Free Case Evaluation with Shuttleworth Law P.C.. It is your chance to learn as much about your situation as possible with an attorney at no cost or obligation to you. Let us know if you prefer secure video conferencing at the time of calling, and we will gladly make the arrangements.
Shuttleworth Law P.C. Fights Simple Assault Charges
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania charges simple assault under 18 Pa.C.S. § 2701. This information is crucial since it also defines the elements prosecutors need to prove for a conviction. Essentially, they will use our state’s legal resources to prove that your intention, action, and causation fit the definition of simple assault in PA. Otherwise, your Philadelphia simple assault lawyers may suggest a mistake-of-fact or other defense.
Shuttleworth Law P.C. has raised viable criminal defense strategies against misdemeanor-level simple assault charges accusing you of:
- Accusation 1. Causing another person bodily injury “intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly” or
- Accusation 2. Causing another person negligent bodily injury with a deadly weapon,” or
- Accusation 3. Making menacing physical attempts to put another person in imminent “fear of serious bodily injury” or
- Accusation 4. Hiding or trying to hide a hypodermic needle on your person that also punctured a police officer during your arrest
A mistake of fact defense is one of several strategies that could get your charges dismissed, reduced, or acquitted at trial. However, it is not a valid defense for every case. The Philadelphia simple assault lawyers at Shuttleworth Law P.C. will identify potential defenses that aim for the outcome you want and deserve.
Plan Your Strategy with Philadelphia Simple Assault Lawyers
Our legal team forms every attorney-client relationship on the simple basis of empathy and respect. Evaluate our Philadelphia simple assault lawyers and their abilities, experience, and resources for yourself at no cost. Call Shuttleworth Law P.C. at 888-529-3486 or message online for your Free Case Evaluation.
Simple Assault Convictions Result in Penalties
Pennsylvania laws classify simple assault offenses as misdemeanors, carrying lesser penalties than felonies. However, you could still face jail time, fines, and other lifestyle-changing consequences. Our legal team will aggressively defend against simple assault allegations so that you do not pay for the costs of an unproven or uncommitted crime.
Shuttleworth Law P.C. has helped clients build defenses that seek to avoid the following misdemeanor penalties under PA’s Crimes and Offenses code (by grade):
- 1st-degree misdemeanor: Up to five years incarceration and $10,000 in fines
- 2nd-degree misdemeanor: Up to two years incarceration and $5,000 in fines
- 3rd-degree misdemeanor: Up to one-year incarceration and $2,500 in fines
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prosecutors could upgrade your charges to aggravated assault by amending the criminal complaint. While they cannot get an automatic upgrade, legal errors may trigger aggravated assault charges under 18 Pa.C.S. § 2702, generally, a 2nd-degree felony carrying up to ten years imprisonment and $25,000 in fines with possible sentencing enhancements. Get legal advice from our Philadelphia assault defense lawyers early in your proceeds to mitigate any potential, foreseeable impact
Shuttleworth Law P.C. Identifies Simple Assault Defenses
Violent crime accusations, such as simple assault matters, may devastate your personal and professional life. Even if you did not intend to cause bodily harm, prosecutors might believe they have conclusive evidence that indicates otherwise. If you hire Shuttleworth Law P.C. to represent your case, we will investigate the circumstances of your charges and present every viable defense of your choosing.
Defenses that our Philadelphia simple assault lawyers might recommend one of the following defenses or combination therein:
Affirmative Defenses
Affirmative defenses sometimes require you to admit certain facts but they can be very powerful when used effectively. This type of defense says you should not face criminal liability since your actions were justifiable. A classic example of an affirmative defense is self-defense. Shuttleworth Law P.C. will use our investigatory resources to preserve evidence that speaks to the facts and circumstances.
Procedural Defenses
Procedural defenses do not directly address your actions and intent. Instead, they focus on procedural errors committed by the criminal justice system that negatively affect your right to due process of the law. In some simple assault cases, they can even serve as a complete defense based on a singular prosecutorial mistake. Shuttleworth Law P.C. will scrutinize your case for procedural errors and present our findings at the right moment.
Negative Defenses
Negative defenses assert that prosecutors failed to prove the elements of your simple assault offense beyond a reasonable doubt. Failing to properly collect, process, preserve, and admit discoverable evidence may prompt your Philadelphia defense lawyers to recommend this option. Shuttleworth Law P.C. will not leave behind any impactful opportunity that calls out contradictory evidence and methodologies under Pennsylvania’s Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. C.L.
Ruling: Not Guilty
Client charged with armed robbery of a bank in Philadelphia. The incident was caught on video. Trial was held in front of a judge, and client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges. The defense was mistaken identification. As a criminal defense lawyer in Philadelphia, I take great pride in achieving the most advantageous outcome.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. D.A.
Ruling: Not Guilty
Client was charged with aggravated assault of a correctional officer while in custody at the Detention Center in Philadelphia, PA (part of the Philadelphia Prison System). He testified that he had to punch the correctional officer in self-defense, because he was attacked by two officers. Client was found NOT GUILTY.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. D.C.
Ruling: Not Guilty
Client accused of burglarizing a home at night. A neighbor witness claimed to have seen the burglar and recognized him as client. Witness also claimed he knew client from the neighborhood, which is why he recognized him. Mistaken identification was the defense. Client found NOT GUILTY of all charges.
Simple Assault Charges Do Not Make You Guilty
The Philadelphia simple assault lawyers at Shuttleworth Law P.C. will not treat you like you are already guilty, regardless of how hard prosecutors hit us with evidence, arguments, and investigations. We take this constitutionally-protected approach with every criminal matter. Federal and Commonwealth criminal justice systems must afford you due process of the law, including presumed innocence until otherwise proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Defend Your Presumed Innocence with Shuttleworth Law P.C.
Shuttleworth Law P.C. is a skilled, experienced, and reputable law firm serving clients throughout PA and South Jersey. Our firm’s founder and lead defense counsel, Brad V. Shuttleworth, Esq., has cultivated over two decades of legal resources that we put behind every criminal investigation, arrest, defense, and jury trial. Learn about how our Philadelphia simple assault lawyers can help for a Free Case Evaluation at 888-529-3486 or through the secure intake form below.
Areas Served: Bridesburg-Kensington-Port Richmond, Center City, Far Northeast Philadelphia, Germantown-Chestnut Hill, Kensington, Near Northeast Philadelphia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Roxborough-Manayunk, South Philadelphia, Southwest Philadelphia, Upper North Philadelphia, West Philadelphia, and all surrounding areas.